I'm a software engineer from Changchun, Jilin, China (Where is it?). I currently work for Google in the United States.
Get around with a bike and find something fun! The following photos are mirrored from my Picasa album for access from mainland China.
A C++/OpenCV 2 implementation of Active Shape Models, useful for locating landmark points on a face image.
As a client for "教育网直通车" (a once popular VPN), the PPTP/L2TP VPN Client with CLI and GUI (Python and PyGtk) was widely used among Chinese university Linux users.
Convert the encoding of Chinese MP3 tags to make them recognizable in Linux, Windows and common mobile devices.
I translated and maintain the Simplified Chinese translation for Geogebra. Version 4.2+ is recommended for a better translation.
Some other mini-tools can be accessed from my Google Code page. AUR packages maintained by me can be foundhere.
A collaboration platform to help building high quality Linux documents in Chinese. The readability, validity and citations are top concerns of the website.
A full functional alumni website written in ASP from scratch during my high school years.
My first attempt to build a website. "QT" is the initial of the Pinyin of "interesting problems" (趣题) in Chinese.
Master Thesis: High Speed Motion Capture with Consumer-Grade Cameras. (UBC Library)
Majoring in Machine Intelligence (智能科学), I received my bachelor degree of science from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, PKU (Peking University, 北京大学).
Bachelor Thesis: Interactive Face Image Deformation (demo).
My current job.
In the Lab of Computational Intelligence (LCI) and Imager .
TA for course CPSC 110 Computation, Programs and Programming.
Mainly about raw string indexing/searching on huge amounts of data, Unicode text processing, web UI design and system maintence.
Our team, UBC!, tied 18th among around 112 teams.
In the regional contest, our team was placed 2nd in 2011 and 4th in 2010.
Attended NOI twice as a representative of Jilin Province, but only got Third Prizes for both.